Welcome to Expensasaurus

Take control of your finances with expensasaurus, the ultimate budgeting tool. Our intuitive platform helps you track expenses, manage budgets, and achieve your financial goals. Get started today and experience hassle-free budget management.

Mac Book and iPhone with expensasaurus web application.

How it works

Create an account
Create your free account on Expensasaurus by providing your basic details. It only takes a few minutes to get started.
Set Your Budget
Define your budget by allocating spending limits to different categories, such as food, transportation, entertainment, and more. Customize it to match your unique financial goals.
Track Your Expenses and Income
Enter your expenses and income with ease. Add transactions, categorize them, and keep a comprehensive record of your financial activities to maintain an accurate overview.
Monitor Your Budget
Keep a close eye on your budget's progress with real-time updates. Visualize your spending patterns, track category-wise expenses, and receive notifications to stay within your limits.
Analyze Your Finances
Gain valuable insights into your financial habits with our intuitive analysis tools. Explore interactive charts and reports to understand where your money is going and make informed decisions.
Adjust and Optimize
Fine-tune your budget as needed based on your financial goals and changing circumstances. Modify spending limits, add new categories, or reallocate funds to optimize your budget.
How it works.

Seamless Budget
Control and Analysis

Set personalized budgets for different categories, such as food, transportation, entertainment, and more. Stay on track and monitor your progress to achieve your financial goals.

Category Overview. Overview of categories, transactions, and expenses.
Category Analysis. Analyze categories with graphical or tabular representation.
Categories with No Budget. Identify spending without defined budgets.
Budget Status Monitor budget limits and spending.
Progress Bar. Visualize budget progress and consumption.
Spending vs. Budget Graph Compare actual spending with allocated budgets.

Unlock Financial Freedom with Expensasaurus

Start managing your budget effectively with expensasaurus.
Sign up today and gain control over your financial future.